Please be patient as I learn to kick some webpage butt. I will update this page periodically but you can ck out other pages I have worked on lately. below
A special note to all Taz fans:
Here are some of fav places to visit, hope you like them:
This page was last updated on 4-19-00. . .thanx for stopping by. . .come back soon
Hi this is the tazman and my first attempt at building a web page
Taz Rocks the World
To see the best lookin boy in the world
Tori Amos is here
This is for Alanis fans
MP3 has some great music
Send hot kisses to the one you love
At I have put a few small works under
my profile of twolfe my user ID on that system. I like
the compliments i receive from people who have reviewed my work. Most ask to see
more of my work, so now anyone can view my little writings by
clicking here.
New Links
It has been a long time since i was in here and did any updating so here are a bunch of new
sites that i like.
This is a great site for finding Mp3's and the price is right. Check it out!!
This is a great resource for code in HTML and Java, whatever floats your boat.